Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Lit Circles

Blog Post

Andy Lam


Lit Circles

The blog post that I am going to present today is what my group is reading in Lit circles. The book is 262 pages long and it’s called the Penderwicks.

 So far, this book was about a man named Mr. Martin Penderwick, a professor with his 4 daughters Rosalind, Skye, Jane, and Batty. Their mother died from cancer 2 weeks after Batty was born. Rosalind was 12 years old. Skye was 11 years old. Jane was 10 years old and Batty was 4 years of age. They owned a dog named Hound.

 The book started off with Mr. Penderwick, his four daughters, and Hound heading to Cape Cod to a mansion called Arundel with a guest cottage owned by Mrs. Tifton. They were going there for summer vacation.

 In the middle of the trip, their dad lost the map. They asked an old tomato man for directions. When they arrived it was more than they expected. They didn’t know it was a mansion, so they were very surprised. There was also a beautiful garden. In the garden, a boy named Cagney, the gardener of Arundel worked there.

The next day, Skye sneaked into the garden because she wanted to explore. She had to sneak in because she was a stranger to the new place. She talked to Cagney until Mrs. Tifton came out and Cagney helped her hide by telling her to hide behind a bush. She overheard her talking to Cagney about a garden contest. After Mrs. Tifton was gone, she bumped into a boy with straight brown hair and freckles on his face. She thought that he was an ordinary boy, and said that they need to escape from the snooty Mrs. Tifton. She finds out that he was Mrs. Tifton’s son and she was very scared.

 She felt bad, so she discussed it with her sisters Jane and Rosalind. They decided that Jane would help Skye apologize and they would make an apology party for Jeffery. The following day, the apology was accepted and he was able to come to the party. Just before the party, Rosalind and Skye argued about the cookies Skye accidentally broiled them. Skye said that Jeffery’s mom was snooty again. At the same time, Jane came in with Jeffery. Their dad also came out of the room.

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